Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Forecast 2012...

So after lots of prayer and seeking God. I have decided that the year of 2012 for me, will be one of serving... I have decided to take a year out from my normal work schedule to volunteer with my church. Helping out with the different community projects that we have started and would like to nurture. Being able to work on a few dreams and visions for my church and also get back into some serious bible study ..

Working in a church is so out of my comfort zone, those of you that know me, know that being around a structured church is not my most comfortable and natural area. But I am excited about the lessons and growth that will be learnt from this. Also getting back into some serious study of the word and applying it to my local Neighbourhood and mentoring is going to be so freakin awesome..

I will be keeping two days a week at the shop, for a small amount of fiance and help and prayer from our great customers.

This is so exciting and scary (good scary). I am so stoked as for what I will be taught and just to be able to focus on Gods work.

But I also know its going to be a season of pruning of excess baggage in my life that I don't need and that is going to hurt but God loves me so much, he wants to see me grow more in him.

Matthew 10 : 5-8 really nailed it for me where it said 'Go to the lost confused people right here in the neighbourhood' and further down in verse 9 it says' you don't need alot of equipment, you are the equipment'.

Thanks so much if you have been praying for me. I really appreciate it...

What an unrestrained loving God we serve!


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