Tuesday 5 April 2011

Tiny lights....

So In a few mintues I will be heading out the door, to go into town, to be giving out free hot chocolate and biscuits to the youth that all gather in groups in town. We and some fellow church members go out with a view to just be a listening ear and a person who tells them they are appreciated... which they are. Whats some of these kids go through, I can't imangine.. We don't preach, but we dont hide who we are either.

It always crazy doing this, you always wonder how they will receive you, and you can never judge it, but we just want to go and let them know there is light in their darkness of this night, and carry a bit of Gods light in us, so they feel his love towards them, sometimes you get a chance to pray other times they couldn't give a **** .

I love doing this, its not for everyone, I know.. but I love the thought that there is no place, no darkness big enough for these kids to hide from Gods love and light, I love telling them, Gods love is never unrequited, unlike the world's....He loves them. If I only say one thing tonight, that is it....

May there be a faint new spark tonight in someones heart...

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