Thursday 16 June 2011

Lost in translation...

Today I was 'Lost in Translation.' Everywhere I went, there seemed to be an array of languages and terms being used that I had no comprehension of, and that feeling of being the outsider and an easy target to be laughed at or rinsed of money or dignity was an occurring theme.

From going into the phone shop and being asked all these technical questions about things, I have no clue over... sayings and jargon's, that are far beyond me. (I just said yes to every question.)

To lots of Polish/ Spanish/ French people being out in cov in groups today, some looking , smiling and jeering over girls, whilst chatting to each other. (you known that feeling of your being talked over, that was experienced) To groups of foreign customers coming into the shop and totally confusing and draining me .

That feeling of being an outsider and of having no clue, being quite vulnerable and an easy target, is not something we as humans deal or like well. and well it feels like crap.

But then I thought. Do I do this when people come into the Christian bookshop? Do I speak in a christian dialect ? (e.g Hillsongish... Australian accent. ha ha joke...)

Do I throw out words and slogans, titles and references, and people are suppose to know what I mean? If you have never had a bible before, if you throw out things like ' NKJV , CEV or NASB' it can confuse the flip out of ya!

Do we do this in church?

Do I do this in church? (now that's a scary thought).

Sometimes I worry that I might become to indoctrinated into the christian style of speech, that I loose my ability to keep it simple and sweet. (there are some crazy Christian words around like ' diocese, atonement, reformation and dogmatics, they may all hay great meaning but are pretty scary to a non christian)

And Jesus was the king of making the idea, the concepts, his parables, his words so easy and stripped down of unnecessary pomp and circumstance and yet so amazingly butt kicking and challenging...

If I can be even a tiny bit like him, I will be a happy women...

Not lost in translation. but Found in simplicity.... here's to only using small words I know the actual meaning of...

dogmatics. means the different way dogs lie on mats right.. ha ha


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