Monday 16 August 2010

The Family Rocks up!!!

This weekend the legend that is my mum Scottish Warrior Jackie and my brother’s fiancée Jenny came to visit me, and see what I do over here in the sunny months. It was so good to be able to show them all the things that I talk about over the winter and whilst I am here, they got to experience my lifestyle and see the West end where we do our street work (I took her at 10.30 I got her out of there before it became too mental) she got to meet of the few workers that we are friends with and also came to church on Sunday, saw the prayer room ( alot more prayers than she would of thought) and centre.
She also got to see Ibiza town and see the other side of the island, and she was surprised by how ‘Green’ the place is.

To me it was like 2 parts of my life meeting, which sometimes felt strange and uncomfortable and totally weird but I now know my mum has a greater understanding of my part to play out here ( but apparently it won’t make her worry any less about me). She also blessed me with meals out galore; I have never eaten so well. It was brilliant and I truly feel she has taken abit of the 24-7 passion with her home.

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