Wednesday 12 January 2011

Love One, Dislike One....

Today I had some people who I know (I would like to call them friends, but I feel we are not quite there yet...) come specifically into our little Bookstore to tell me, I wont be seeing them for a while, as they are going to Prison . It should be said that these 2 people seem so far, like really decent people, who have just been handed a few bad turns and find themselves on the street. And I generally have a desire to see them free from the cycle they seem to be bonded in.

This is why I love our shop, I could never really see 2 homeless people, just nipping into a church to tell them this. I really love seeing them, even though they must think I am the most bizarre Christian Bookshop staff person going.

At the end of the day, we had another customer who likes to jeer and stare at me, Tell's me his sob story and wants me to tell him my personal details (you get the picture). Now he never crosses lines, (or he hasn't so far, believe me if he tried, just cause I am in a christian bookshop, doesn't mean I won't knee him in the man parts) , but I just feel its easier not to be around when he is. In fact, I don't want him to be in the shop period. He makes me feel horrible when I know he is jeering at me. (I am being very truthful here).

Both groups needs God and a listening ear. But I feel pretty bad that I am so against one and so for the other. It just shows what a hypocrite I am.

What is the christian response to this. I don't know. Maybe I need to try asking for my compassion ? Should I say something to the man, even though he is not really in a stable place...? Does my showing Gods love have to come second to my safety?

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