Saturday 1 January 2011

No Resolution's just Growth...

As the calendars are brought and the digits at the end of your phones digital date move up a number, the first rainy day of 2011 draws to a close. One is asked a similar question repeatedly ‘what is your new year’s resolution?’ I reply quite drably ‘haven’t got one’ I could reel off the usual, that people like to say’ lose a few pounds, get healthy’. But I am afraid I am a true believer in ‘Carpi Diem’ ceasing the day, doing it when it need to be done, not because the date fits to start something today. If you want to lose a few pounds you don’t need to wait start today.

As a Christian, I look at this question from a different angle. Dare I say the question should be slightly altered for me from ‘what are your resolutions for 2011’ to ‘what do I want to grow in with God in this season?’ to be honest I could reel off a whole load of stuff. (But you don’t want to hear all my ramblings to God. You do! I will email you.)

I would say something I would love to grow in, is my vision from God and the clarity of perceiving it. And my passion for God. I pray for passion all the time, seriously, I totally hog that prayer, but I still want more. It may be a selfish request, but I long to be aflame with his heart.
But again I don’t have to wait with God, till the proper time matches up, any day i can boldly ask him for this. He loves me coming and chatting to him, to share my thoughts and I listen to what he has to say.It not just for the start of the year but for all the year..

So if you have made a resolution, I hope you stick to it and keep strong in the vision, but I know that a lot of people come February 1st have given and feel guilty. That’s why my way is better (I do sound high and mighty don’t I ) but, I know I am going to screw up with mine, there will be times when I can’t be bothered to pray for passion or want to pray for clarity of vision as much as a school boy prays for the a visit to the headmaster. But God never puts shame on me, he just dusts me off, throws some grace on me, turns me again to the route I was on and picks up his pom poms and continues to be my best cheerleader.

Whatever you look to achieve this year. May God be all over it...and may you be looking towards him for growth...

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